Sinvy Sinvy Snivy! Look at how smug she is! I managed to nab this little guy from a TnT supermarket after the Alberta TCG Championships! What a great send-off!
......Yup. You try taking a picture of a phone charm in this pose without it looking stupid while not having your gruddy fingers in the photo. Reshiram crash landed me'thinks.
Rai rai rai! It jingles and it's cute and it jingles! This Raichu refused to stay up so I had to lean it up against something to take a photo of it without it being face flat on the table...but he jingles!
I'm gonna be honest. I have not a clue about Pan stickers aside from you buy some bread and you get a sticker! I know I'll be living off it when I hit up Japan! Know about Pan Stickers? Leave a comment!
This piggy was a little surprise when I bought a Reshiram kid off of ebay! The seller took out the candy and put in stickers instead!
Galllaaaaade. Why didn't he exist during Gen 3? Maybe there'd be less fan art, you know. Your basic newer style Tomy. Feels a tad flimsy but it seems most of the newer Tomy figures are like that...
Eeeeeeee. It's GodLlamaPonyThing!!!11!! This guy is pose-able and lovely and just perfect! I've noticed that the "ring" is crooked though, but Jakks always messed up with just minor things like that! Aside from that, and the weird paint error on the chest I absolutely love love love this figure! If you collect Arceus and you don't have this figure...something is horribly wrong with you.
Ahhhh the most common of these darling rare annoying to get pins! Sadly, I don't know very much about them aside from the obvious fact that they're a Promotional item for Pokemon 2000 and that all the original 151 got a pin! Imagine trying to collect all of them? No, don't. You'd be crazy if you did.
Sorry about the horrid photo. That's the best I could get! It's so shiny!
The happiest Rai! Look at that face! What's he so happy about? Not being super-mega-expensive rare anymore? Thank goodness! Once stuck in a box of playset exclusively this Raichu can now be found a lot easier with new releases in 3 packs and special Toys r Us tins! I have troubles making him stand...I keep him on my desk just because of how happy he is but he just topples over whenever I accidentally kick the desk. Silly Rai, stop falling in my food...
Ignore the random dog hair...this thing is a magnet! I don't even let the dogs into my basement yet it still gets all over him... Silly Sandshrew! This little feller came in a set of plush from Applause and are apparently hard to find? The tummy is a golden metallic which is...pretty neat I guess. All hail the Golden Sandshrew! Maybe if he evolve Sandslash will have Gold Spikes?
Company: Kaiyodo Collection: 10th Anniversary Bottle Cap Collection
Biiii! My little onion headed fairy! Kaiyodo always does such amazing work and this is no exception...(Aside from the weird smudge on his mouth, not viewable in the photo.) I got this little feller' by bidding on a "mystery" item and lone behold it was him! I was wanting this little guy too for a while but couldn't shell out for it! Super cheap super awesome get!
Oooh lookit' the lil' stamp! Lookit' it! You unscrew it and stamp it on things! How cute! This one is a Zorua stamp from the first Retsuden stamp from Black and White!
Hm...I don't seem to know too much about this Reshiram! However... I absolutely love the pose and how smooth it is! It's "Fur" is more of a cream colour than a white and it's absolutely perfect!
Have any information about this figure? Let me know!
Oshawottwott! My first merch of the awesome baby otter is this cute little phone strap! This is one of the highest quality phone straps I own. He's nice and thick! Of course he's still not going on my phone. Nope nope. I don't want this cute little otter to be damaged in my pocket!
Company: Burger King/Pokemon World Collection: Buger King Promotional Plush Name: Mr. Weedle
HOLY GRAIL ALERT Oh my god. This little buddy was so hard to get and if it wasn't for user Fizzycat of Pokemon Collectors he would never be mine! Such a cute little Weedle! So so cute and so so stupidly hard to find! He was listed as Caterpie on the UK Ebay website. Fizzy middle-manned for me and now he's home on my shelf being a Weedle. Old, Derpy and Super Super Awesome...Mr.Weedle is loved as hell!
So I was shopping with the parental units at some little grocery chain called Save on Foods...when I saw a box of Pokemon Keychains. Of course, being the most random find ever I bought it. One of the keychains was blind"pokeball'd" and this lil cuties was in it! Fat, Cute and oh so Ivy! I've never really heard of Basic Fun before finding the box aside from a few mentions on the Pokemon Collectors community but I love love love this keychain! Of course I'll never use him and he'll rot on my shelf like the good little keychain ivysaur he is!~
Company: Pokemon Centre Collection: Pokemon Center Exclusive Name: Gaberielle (Gabe)
This guy is big. Not OMG WHERE DO I PUT THIS big but just...big. The first Reshiram plush ever released, Gabe has a special place in my collection. This Reshiram is more of a display plush than anything. The fabric isn't as soft as I thought it would be and dirties very easily. If you get one, be sure to keep it away from your floor! My favorite part about this plush however is that it's "rings" are made from pleather. It adds a really nice metallic touch to Reshiram which I haven't seen (as of the time of this post) in another plush yet. He's possibly the derpiest Reshiram plush ever made. Just look at that face! It appears mine has a stiching error on the mouth that made it him a smirk. Loving the personality~
Oh Absol! How I'd love to collect you hardcore but everything is so rare! Good thing I have this little basic beauty! Not much can be said about this figure. It's a Tomy, it's kind of small and well...It's Absol!
The smallest of the sizes available from Theme Parks and similar events. The "grass" is soft and easily my favorite material for Shaymin's grass out of all the plush! The white fur isn't the thickest material and gets dirty quite easily. Despite it being a North American release this plush is easily my favorite Shaymin plush made thus far...despite being a bit hard to get a hold of.